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Results for "keyword: "Anger", latest_content: 1"
A Prayer for More Respect and Civility in Politics O God of Peace and Diversity, the American political system is rife with incivility. We know similar situations exist in other political systems around the world. Today, we pray specifically that yo…
A Tiny Prayer for those who are mad as Hell On November 19, 2022, Kelly Loving, Daniel Aston, Derrick Rump, Ashley Paugh, and Raymond Green Vance were killed and 25 others injured in a mass shooting by 22-year-old Anderson Aldrich at LGBTQ+ c…
Tricks from the Elderly to Stop Worrying Why do we spend so much time and energy on worrying? We are reluctant to admit that we can't control everything and make what we want happen. We have trouble accepting the idea that things do go wro…
Words That Compel Us to Dive Deep This article in Psychology Today by Susan Krauss Whitbourne caught my attention because in 2018 I found myself using the word "toxic" more than usual. It seems that this has been true for many peopl…
The Quiet Ones In a cogent piece for The New York Times, David Kreider writes about the battles taking place in Amtrak's silent cars, usually situated right behind business class on the train, as devotees of silen…
Believing in Beginnings Prayer O God, help me to believe in the beginnings and in my beginnings again, no matter how often I've failed before. —Ted Loder in Guerrillas of Grace
Ambassadors for Civility "Behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their image." — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Our spirituality is revealed to family, friends, neighbors, classmates, colleagues, and strangers…
"F" is for Faith Faith rarely comes to us whole; mostly it comes in pieces, sometimes in tiny fragments, especially when life feels broken. Sometimes faith is lost altogether in the breaking. When children are massa…