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Results for "keyword: "humility""
A Good Neighbor Robert Benson on humility as the basic posture from which we are able to build and to live in community.
Merciful Meekness Kerry Walters on the interwoven concepts of mercy and meekness.
Child, Victim, Soldier Donald H. Dunson's story of Archbishop John Baptist Odama's request for forgiveness from children, before they were mature enough to realize they had been wronged.
Pope John XXIII Norman Cousins on an audience with Pope John.
Shin Buddhism An authoritative overview of this popular school of Buddhism.
Benedict's Dharma Commentary by four Buddhist scholars on the sixth-century rule of life used in some Christian monasteries.
Seeking Enlightenment . . . Hat by Hat A spunky spiritual memoir about a mystery writer's quest for God and community.
The Mountain of Silence Mines the meanings of this mystical tradition that emphasizes prayer, meditation, saints, icons, and union with God.
A Stay Against Confusion A sterling collection of 14 essays with sparkling religious insights.
Buddhism for Beginners A substantive primer on Buddhism.