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Results for "keyword: "stories""
A Virtual Living Room Conversation Generally, when I consider online conversations, I think of stark polarization and echo chambers — people harshly judging others across differences or just connecting with those who are similar to…
Spiritual Approaches to Life Mystical Wisdom We are invited to approach our lives with the curiosity of a child, the heart of a mystic, and the voice of a prophet. — James Conlon in Beauty, Wonder, and Belonging Medica…
The Story of Life and Death By Fatima Kazim Everyone’s life is a story
Chilly Mornings, Warm Souls: Stories from the Prahran Winter Breakfast Artwork by: Nikita Zinoviev Written by: Vincent Chang The dawn had barely broken.
The Art of Being Wise Literary Wisdom What is the meaning of life? The great revelation . . . never did come. Instead there were little daily miracles, illuminations, matches struck unexpectedly in the dark. — Virg…
John Irving on Fear In an interview with NPR about his latest novel Avenue of Mysteries, John Irving states: "I've always written about what I fear. Maybe the most autobiographical element in my novels is that they're …
Basket on the River By Zainab Umarfor KidSpirit's Storytelling and Narrative issue. Almost as if it were part of the story itself, I can recall the day my mother told us the tale of Hazrat Musa like it happened jus…
My Spine and Its Many Gifts I have not given much attention or thought to my spine, despite it being such an awe-inducing body part. It provides me with strength and support, uprightness and dignity. We get a sense of how impo…
Letting Troubles Go Proverb A kind word is like a spring day. — Russian proverb
Sailing Through a Storm By Ameena Naqvi for KidSpirit’s The Myth and Magic issue. The waves crashed softly against the boat, pushing it towards the shore. My grandfather stepped off the boat and tied the rope to the …