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Results for "keyword: "technology""
Birthday of Vandana Shiva Honoring the Indian scholar, author, and eco-feminist who believes that whoever controls seed controls the Earth.
Blessing Prayer for Going On-Line Using the internet with discernment.
E. F. Schumacher Day Recognizing the contributions of an economist with a spiritual message about limits, simplicity, and peace.
National Library Week Celebrating the contributions of our nation's libraries and library workers.
Cyberspace and Compassion A meditation and reflection on St. Francis' response to the world of cyber reality.
Unplug Yourself Listening for silence.
Anniversary of the First Lunar Landing (PDP) A commemoration of landing on the moon by Neil A. Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.
Keeping Silent Creating quiet takes effort in our noisy world. Here are some simple practices to heed the call: "The Lord is in his temple; let all the earth keep silent before him."
Greeting Someone Online An invitation to bring kindness and mindfulness to emails and other online communication.
Sabbath Box A practice for the whole family to begin Sabbath.