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Results for "practice: Gratitude"
Living Your Legacy: Seeds, Blossoms, Fruits Ways to be intentional about the legacy you live and leave to your family, colleagues, and community.
Beauty and Wisdom in the Qur'an An e-course on timeless insights and practices gleaned from reflections on verses of the Qur’an.
Thomas Berry: Prophet and Mystic of the Earth An exploration of the contemplative depth and call to practice in Thomas Berry's works.
Becoming a Wise Elder A journey through eight gates, each with its own gift, task, and challenge, on the way to becoming wise people.
Choosing to Love An exploration of the deep experience of belonging.
Engaging Hope Ways to become aware of the opportunity that a given moment offers, freeing us from predictability.
Pausing An invitation to embrace a new paradigm of becoming more by doing less, practicing self-care, and really paying attention.
The Practice of Finding Spiritual reflections and practices to help you know that the gifts we have received are more cherished than the ones you’ve been seeking.
The Wisdom of A Course in Miracles Wisdom about achieving inner peace through forgiveness and a shift in perception from fear to love.
InterSpiritual Meditation Key understandings behind and instructions for a universal seven-step practice drawn from the world's spiritual traditions.