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Results for "practice: Silence"
"S" is for Silence “Silence is like a flame, you see?” —Marcel Marceau As a lover of words, I wonder why I am so drawn to the wordless worlds of music and dance and art. And then, there is mime, that p…
Rituals of Our Lives Unitarian Universalist Wisdom From beginning to end, the rituals of our lives shape each hour, day, and year. . . . If you understand them, you may enrich them. In this way the habits of a lifeti…
The Radiance of Creation Proverb Doing little things well enables one to do big things better. — saying on old postcard
We'd Rather Shock Ourselves than Quietly Sit Alone Talk to people today about being alone and many of us will admit that it is a very unsettling experience. Given a few unstructured moments, we fill it up with texting others, posting to our social m…
The Pulse of God Nature Wisdom The sky is the daily bread of the eyes. — Ralph Waldo Emerson World Wisdom Life is the gift of nature, but beautiful living is the gift of wisdom. — Ancient Greek adage
The Documented Life Sherry Turkle has been studying people's use of mobile technology for 15 years. In this article in the New York Times she reflects on a new way of life: "I share, therefore I am." But now what we wa…
Silence is a Gift By Abraham Weitzman If you want to have a conversation, there needs to be space for each person to communicate their ideas and feelings.
Please Be Quiet In a recent article in The New York Times, George Prochnik wrote about philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer's crusade against noise as the archenemy of any serious thinker. He was convinced nobody could …
A World of Service Jewish Wisdom Yes, this world is really a recycling plant. That is why it is filled with so much garbage. All the trash around us and within us is here for us to recycle into usable products -- …
Beauty Feeds a Different Kind of Hunger: An Interview with Terry Tempest Williams Terry Tempest Williams is one of S&P's Living Spiritual Teachers who has for years been active in various efforts to save the environment. At the same time, she has written beautiful spiritual books…