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Results for "practice: Transformation"
Mystical Hope Today A quest to discover the mysterious, replenishing hope already available to us.
New Windows on The Cloud of Unknowing A new perspective on the classic mystical text demonstrating its profound relevance to a world in need.
Dark Nights of the Soul Concrete ways to make sense of dark nights like the COVID-19 pandemic and discover life-transforming benefits from them.
Living with Beauty Reflections on beauty's transforming possibilities, even in times of darkness and tragedy.
Advent and Holiday E-Courses A collection of holiday opportunities for spiritual retreat.
Mastering the Art of Resilience Guidance for coping with and rebounding from adversity in a wide variety of situations.
Exploring the Psalms An opportunity to experience these popular Biblical texts richly through historical and poetic understanding.
The Rise of Spiritual Intelligence An opportunity to develop a deeper, more authentic spiritual practice, leading to clarified insight about what you are being called to do.
Pop Music Spirituality An e-course exploring touches of transcendence in popular music.
The Bhagavad Gita: Yoga's Essence Teachings that capture the central teachings of the Gita and the essence of Hinduism’s universal precepts.