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Results for "practice: Transformation"
Utmost Charity: A Call to Deeper Love On Demand: An exploration of how we can live an inside-out life rooted and grounded in Love and for Love.
Protestant Spirituality Essays and suggestions exploring a toolkit of practices from the major Protestant traditions.
Releasing the Contemplative in You Wisdom and practices revealing the role of reading and writing on a contemplative journey.
Benedictine Spirituality Using the Rule of Benedict as a guide to a more purposeful way of being in our time of global transformation.
Seven Keys to an Innovative Life Improv, storytelling, integrating opposites, and other tools to live a more flexible life.
Living La Vida Yoga Practical tips from the yoga tradition for every spiritual path.
Rumi - Living a Spiritual Life Commentaries and audio meditations revealing the universal spiritual teaching in Rumi's unforgettable metaphors.
Meeting and Romancing Your Shadow An e-course on illuminating the dark side of the soul.
Soulful Aging An e-course on aging as the positive lifelong process of becoming a person.
Becoming Truly Human: Gurdjieff's Obligolnian Strivings A Lenten study of George Ivanovich Gurdjieff's Five Strivings.