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Results for "Jesus"
"B" Is for Beauty “To participate in Beauty is to come into the presence of the Holy." — John O’Donohue Beauty as a Holy Sanctuary Beauty is a holy sanctuary where heaven and earth greet each…
Strength and Influence in Christianity By Sebastian Hersey A large part of a person’s worldview is made up of their religion (or lack thereof), or the religion of their family or community. I am a Christian, and I have grown up in a…
Jazz and the Spirit of Democracy We believe that democracy as a way of life can be strengthened and deepened through spiritual practices — both those traditionally considered to be "inner work" and those that require active en…
"C" Is for Compassion “Through compassion, we conquer the numbness and the daze which keeps us closed off from the messes and miseries of the world.” — Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat, Spiritual Literacy Th…
The Joy of Byzantine Catholicism By Chris Woods in the KidSpirit Happiness Issue I was baptized into the Roman Catholic Church. Shortly after I was born, my family moved and we became parishioners at a Byzantine Catholic Church …
The Divine in Our Deeds Little Spirituality It is in the tiniest acts, the ones that no one sees, that we express who we are. — Virginia E. Lang in How to Bury a Goldfish Psychological Wisdom To be impatient is…
Fear: Not My Favorite Spiritual Companion Fear. If you're feeling it, you're normal. You're paying attention. The coronavirus is an invader that has come upon us with great speed and virulence. Like a bull in a china closet, this new invade…
Praying the News Blog Years ago, we stumbled across "Pray the News," a website run by a group of Carmelite nuns in Indianapolis, Indiana. Three or four sisters regularly offered prayers, litanies, and spiritual commentar…
Being Truly Alive Teacher Wisdom Seek always the blue moment. . . . It can happen any time or any place. It is a moment when you are truly alive to the world around you. — Kent Nerburn in Letters to My Son