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Results for "Transformation"
Judaism: Books
Taoism: Books
Taoism Curated and recommended resources on Taoism.Study and Practice to: Remain peaceful in the middle of change Take responsibility but seek nothing from other people Not get caught up in "fors" and "a…
Christianity - Anglican The best of the best of our resources on Anglican Christianity.Study and Practice to: discover how prayer can be a great adventure of faith savor beautiful worship services that engage all the sens…
Hinduism Curated content of our resources on HinduismStudy and Practice to: Enjoy the vitality of a cosmology and mythology that stretches far back in time, in what has been called the oldest religion on ear…
Buddhism - Zen The best of the best of our resources on Zen Buddhism.Study and Practice to: reap the harvest of wisdom from all the world's religions and spiritual paths explore the great ocean of Oneness that is…
Buddhism - Tibetan The best of the best of our resources on Tibetan Buddhism. Study and Practice to: cultivate compassion in response to the suffering of self and others train your mind and gain access to a happy an…
12-Step Spirituality Curated content of our resources on 12-Step Spirituality.Study and Practice to: Acknowledge the limits of your own power, especially in the realm of addictions Be willing to break free of consideri…