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Results for "forgiveness"
InterSpiritual Wisdom An opportunity to study sacred texts from different traditions under the guidance of six pioneers of InterSpirituality.
Lent E-Courses Available On-Demand E-Courses formatted for the Lenten season on ways to practice devotion, faith, forgiveness, peace, and wonder.
Defusing Anger Ways to understand and work with your own and other people's anger.
The Sage's Tao Te Ching Teachings on the sage as a model for a life of spirited freedom, contentment, wisdom, and playfulness.
Lean In, Lighten Up and Let Go An interactive online retreat to encourage a life of prayer and practice both on the chair and in daily life.
The Tao Te Ching as a Path and a Practice Commentary on Tao passages highlighting key themes and personal applications of the wisdom.
Nine Promises of Lent A fresh approach to Lent through the lens of process thought.
Mystical Hope Today A quest to discover the mysterious, replenishing hope already available to us.
A Blessed Life Ten guiding principles -- Paramitas -- from the Buddha.
Moving Beyond Life's Hurts A guided journey in healing painful memories and relationships.