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Results for "patience"
A Prayer for Holiday Shoppers The December holidays mean that millions of people all over the world will head out to malls, department stores, and shops to purchase gifts. In the United States, the shopping frenzy started on "Bl…
A Prayer for Those Returning Home from Prison Morning Star, we ask you to relieve the plight of men and women just released from prison who are having trouble finding places to live, work, and receive health care. Facts: In an article on ww…
A Prayer for Strength, Patience, Courage and Hope for the Catholic Protestors Who Broke into the Nuclear Sanctum Companion of the Sorrowing, we give thanks for the three Catholic activists whose witness calls us to join in the protest against the continuing military madness of keeping so many deadly nuclear we…
A Lament for Dismaying Global Trends Hope Through the Ages, we have become aware of some dismaying global trends. As we lament these developments, help us to respond with love, compassion, peace, and kindness. Report: A report from…
A Prayer for Desperate Children Fleeing Gang Violence God Who Breaks Chains, guide, direct, and sustain the poor, frightened, and desperate children of Central America who have seen their peers murdered in their communities because they have not wanted…
A Prayer for Children Returning to School It is that time of year as children leave behind their summer pleasures to return to school. The routines of getting up on time, putting things in order, doing homework, and keeping distractions to …
The Sufi Practice of Adab In these adversarial times when most people are too busy or rushed to practice manners or respect for others, Sufis are the finest ambassadors of civility that we have come across. Those on this mys…
A Troupe of Very Determined Ground Squirrels When I started gardening, I wasn't expecting to learn about resilience, hope, and how to fight for democracy. As a graduate student I spent the majority of my time behind a computer screen or with a…
The Divine in Our Deeds Little Spirituality It is in the tiniest acts, the ones that no one sees, that we express who we are. — Virginia E. Lang in How to Bury a Goldfish Psychological Wisdom To be impatient is…
A Prayer for Trees in Peril Creator God, we are worried about the trees in our home state of California and elsewhere in the world. Article: According to the Los Angeles Times, the number of dead trees in California's fores…