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Results for "tradition: "Christianity - Catholic", latest_content: 1"
Birthday of Dorothy Day (PDP) An opportunity to firm up our commitments to service of others, peace, and justice.
All Saints Day Quotes, recommended resources, and a teaching story for your observance.
Feast Day of St. Teresa of Avila A tribute to the spiritual ardor and zeal of the sixteenth century Carmelite mystic.
Oscar Romero Day Remembering Oscar Romero, the Archbishop of San Salvador who spoke truth to power and was canonized on this day in 2018.
A Humble Awareness of Others Daily practices for cultivating humility and gratitude.
Birthday of Philip Berrigan (PDP) Honoring the life and courage of a priest who became a voice for sanity through his nonviolent war resistance.
Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi Ways to honor and follow St. Francis of Assisi, including practicing gratitude and spending quality time with an animal, plus video clips, a movie, readings, and prayers.
The Feast Day of St. Therese of Lisieux A tribute to the teacher of "the Little Way" with an excerpt and a practice
Feast Day of Hildegard of Bingen A sampling of the incredible creativity of the medieval Benedictine abbess, composer, playwright, herbalist, preacher, and mystic visionary through a movie, quotations collection, books and audios.
Birthday of Mary, the Mother of Jesus Readings, inspirational thoughts, and spiritual practices for the birthday of Mary, the Mother of Jesus.