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Results for "keyword: "Walking", latest_content: 1"
Wonder Week Guidance for being astonished by your senses.
Labyrinths Remarks about walking a labyrinth.
Developing the Inner Visionary Clear, concrete practices for inner development.
Walking on the Stairs Ways to be mindful during a daily activity.
When You're at Your Limit Advice for pushing your reset button.
Move Your Body Encouragement to honor your body through joyful movement.
Our True Home - Being Compassionate in the Present Remarks about our true home in the present, and about how to cultivate compassionate self-care.
Faith Leader Neighborhood Walks Motivation for faith leaders to be a visible and engaged presence in their communities.
Walking Softly on the Earth A recommendation for walking in nature with sacred mindfulness.
Walking on Water A reflection on the miracle of Jesus walking on water.