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Results for "keyword: "clutter""
Clearing Spaces A handy and enlightening guide to taking good care of the place where you live.
Life's a Breeze A terrific Irish dramedy about clutter, family solidarity, and an 80-year-old woman's response to a major gift she is given.
Altars in the Street Melody Ermachild Chavis's story of sweeping up her block, literally, to do a kind practice to clean up her neighborhood from litterers.
Blessed By Less A Christian handbook for those who want to simplify their lives.
Room Enough for Daisy The trials of a little girl who thinks she needs a bigger room to hold all her stuff until her mother comes up with a better solution.
The Happiness Project Lively observations, insights, and practices from a year-long exploration of happiness and its impact on our lives.
The Art of Stillness Pico Iyer on the delights that arise from stillness and going nowhere.
Next to Godliness A stellar collection of essays and poems on the everyday spirituality of household chores and maintenance.
The Big Book of Less Ways to add pleasure and play into our lives without adding more stuff.
L'Art de la Simplicité A rousing and robust exploration of the art of simplicity.