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Results for "practice: Gratitude"
Crossing the Desert Robert J. Wicks on how deep gratitude opens us to a new perspective on life.
The Gospel According to Oprah Marcia Z. Nelson on how Oprah Winfrey models the importance of practicing gratitude in all aspects of life.
Emotional Wisdom Robert Maclennan on what brings us gratitude in life.
Turning the Mind into an Ally Sakyong Mipham on how gratitude is a requirement for enlightenment.
Finding Angels in Boulders Bruce G. Epperly and Lewis D. Solomon on experiencing God's blessings through a special gratitude walk.
This Amazing World Eleanor Farjeon's poem on gratitude for children and adults alike (book edited by Lois Rock and Ruth Rivers).
A Wild Faith Rabbi Mike Comins on the genesis of Jewish prayers of gratitude.
The Complete Idiot's Guide to The Talmud Rabbi Aaron Parry on brachot, the Jewish time of gratitude.
Jewish Ritual Rabbi Kerry M. Olitsky and Rabbi Daniel Judson on a Jewish practice of gratitude.
Creating a Spiritual Retirement Molly Srode on expressing gratitude for all the unheralded gifts of the body.