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Results for "practice: Hope"
Plan B Anne Lamott on hope for democracy and peace.
Why Buffalo Dance Susan Chernak McElroy on how the hoot of an owl can provide hope.
Seven Spiritual Gifts of Waiting Holly W. Whitcomb on the value of waiting, which relates to hope.
You Can Heal Your Life Affirmation Kit Louise Hay on using affirmations as a beginning point on the path to change.
The Impossible Will Take a Little While Historian Howard Zinn on keeping perspective and not losing hope by looking at the long-term, big picture.
The Scandalous Gospel of Jesus Peter J. Gomes on muscular hope.
What Do Jews Believe? Edward Kessler's parable on the paradoxical nature of optimism, or hope.
Awakening the World Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee's story on patience, which relates to hope.
Bless This Child Edward Searl's poem on hope.
Death and Beyond Andrew Greeley on how hopeful people live and survive.