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Results for "practice: Hope"
Countdown A wake-up call about catastrophic consequences on the horizon as we continue to ignore overpopulation, global warming, and water and food shortages.
Holding Up Hope It may seem strange to focus on hope when so much despair-inducing evidence is accumulating. But peril and despair breed hope, not the other way around.
The Practicing Mind A comprehensive look at the important role of the practicing mind in our everyday lives.
Grace on the Go A felicitous overview of prayerful ways to overcome money worries.
Patience David Baily Harned on patience as a dimension of hope.
Spiritual Fitness Doris Donnelly on developing hope, perseverance, and patience.
Good Life, Good Death Rimpoche Nawang Gehlek on how patience is the antidote to anger, a component of hope.
Divine Things Rabbi Robert Kirschner's story of two shoeshine men who he believes were hopeful in a dark situation.
Hope, Human and Wild Bill McKibben admitting his hope for the future of our world.
Seeds of Hope A collection of writings organized around the theme of hope.