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Results for "practice: Questing"
Contemplative Writing 52 emails (a year's worth) with prompts and ways to practice writing reflectively.
Exploring The Grapes of Wrath Themes and practices for John Steinbeck's classic about refugees from the Dust Bowl.
Fairy Tales An exploration of the many metaphors and extended meanings in fairy tales.
Practicing Spirituality with Joyce Rupp Encouragement to bring your spirituality into the light of your everyday life.
The Gospel of Thomas A complete "starter kit" on this remarkable text considered to be the earliest of Jesus' wisdom teachings.
Meeting and Romancing Your Shadow An e-course on illuminating the dark side of the soul.
World Wisdom Passages to reflect upon from the mystic heart of the world's religions.
Soulful Aging An e-course on aging as the positive lifelong process of becoming a person.
Reframing A 21-day program on seeing things differently as you put your mind under new management.
Becoming Truly Human: Gurdjieff's Obligolnian Strivings A Lenten study of George Ivanovich Gurdjieff's Five Strivings.