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Results for "keyword: "Native Americans""
Talk to Me Explores the many levels of a friendship between a button-down African-American radio program director and a tell-it-like-it-is deejay.
The Promised Land Puts into perspective the problems of the black underclass in America.
Journey to Beloved A journal of the efforts to bring Tony Morrison's Novel to the screen.
God, Dr. Buzzard and the Bolito Man A snappy memoir filled with colorful characters, dreams, signs, magic, and ritual.
The Visit Explores the personal transformation that happens when an African American in prison confronts familial skeletons and reaches out in love to a childhood friend.
Down in the Delta An emotional tale of a single mother whose faith is renewed through her exploration of family roots.
A Family Thing An uplifting film that celebrates the ties that link people together despite vast differences.
Once Upon a Time...When We Were Colored A heart-warming drama in which community becomes a seedbed where young souls are forged.
Separate But Equal Traces the events leading up to the landmark 1954 Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education.
A Soldier's Story Reveals the virulence of racism.