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Results for "keyword: "ecology""
Local Wonders A lesson on what can happen when we lose respect for the things we have accumulated.
Resist Much, Obey Little Salutes the writer who was dubbed the Thoreau of the American West.
Saving Our World, Saving Ourselves Discusses the environmental crisis and the need for honoring the natural world.
Harm Not the Earth Scripture, stories, and spiritual pleas calling Christians to love and cherish the good earth.
From the Stars to the Street A visionary spiritual blueprint for the future that integrates self and society, action and contemplation, story and imagination.
The Sermon of All Creation Quotations from Christian saints, writers, and thinkers on the wonders and glories of the natural world.
The Prophet of Dry Hill A tribute to the life and writings of naturalist John Hay.
The Hidden Heart of the Cosmos A celebration of the mystery and magnificence of the evolving universe.
The Open Space of Democracy Makes a strong case for spiritual activism to save the environment.
Widening Circles A memoir that reveals the author's synthesis of spirituality and social activism.