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Results for "practice: Connections"
Kristin Ritzau Biographical profile of a contributor to Spirituality & Practice.
Problems? A list of our most commonly asked questions and their answers.
I Want to Be Left Behind Brenda Peterson on a community of people who look after seals in Seattle and realize that the seals have brought them together.
The Buddha Is Still Teaching Jack Kornfield on how we are all interconnected.
Happiness Thich Nhat Hanh's Touching the Earth spiritual practice.
The Divine Life of Animals Ptolemy Tompkins on how treating animals as our brethren benefits both them and us.
Sum David Eagleman on how we limit our lives by eschewing the unfamiliar and only staying within a small circle of friends.
Consequential Strangers Melinda Blau and Karen L. Fingerman on how digital technology has forever changed how we do relationships.
Weather Shamanism Nan Moss and David Corbin on our connection to weather.
World As Lover, World As Self Joanna Macy on our connections to people of the past, present, and future.