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Results for "author_first: Frederic, author_last: Brussat"
All We Can Save An outline of approaches to and solutions for climate change.
Sacred Inquiry Adyashanti's approach to answering people's questions in light of his understanding of sacred inquiry.
Be Water, My Friend Bruce Lee's process for assessing one's life experiences.
Sacred Inquiry Questing and openness are family.
Be Water, My Friend Lessons from the life and spiritual practices of the martial artist.
The Way of Suffering An excerpt from the essay "The Good That Rises When the Bottom Falls Out of Life" by Joni Woelfel.
The Way of Suffering A multidimensional collection of essays, stories, and poems about the manifold meanings and challenges accompanying suffering.
In the House of Remembering A poem by Rumi followed by reflections about presence and love.
In the House of Remembering Thirty sohbets or spiritual conversations about the Sufi path from a shaikh of the Mevlevi Order.
The Upswing A bold and visionary call for a communitarian society.