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Results for "practice: Compassion"
Journey Into Love Nan C. Merrill's invitation to walk the same road as the Good Samaritan.
The Great Transformation Karen Armstrong on compassion as an essential practice of the religions that developed during the Axial Age from 800 - 2000 BCE.
Becoming Enlightened The Dalai Lama on how the spiritual practice of equanimity removes bias from our thinking and our actions.
A Call to Compassion Aura Glaser on cultivating the spiritual practice of compassion.
Who Speaks for God? Jim Wallis on understanding the true meaning of compassion as seeing the world through the eyes of others.
The Garden of Truth Seyyd Hossein Nasr on Sufi chivalry, or kindness.
Simone Weil Simone Weil's poem about compassion and connections (from a book edited by Eric O. Springsted).
Anthony de Mello Anthony De Mello looking at practices not for technique, but the holiness inspired (in a book edited by William Dych).
Spiritual Writings on Mary Megan McKenna on Our Lady of Guadalupe on compassion (from book edited by Mary ford-Grabowsky).
Everyday Grace Marianne Williamson on the spiritual practice of compassion through allowing fear and sadness.