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Results for "practice: Enthusiasm"
Second Wind Bill Thomas on enthusiastically exploring the undiscovered country of aging.
Waking the Buddha Clark Strand on how Soka Gakkai embraces a full range of life's enthusiasms.
God's Trombones Contains homilies on the flood, the crucifixion, and judgement day.
The world is eaten up by boredom The world is eaten up by boredom
Enthusiasm comes only after we immerse ourselves in life Enthusiasm comes only after we immerse ourselves in life
A Conversation with Kathleen Norris A Q&A with Christian poet and spiritual writer about her marriage, her writing career, and her struggles with what is sometimes called spiritual sloth or an inability to care.
Enthusiasm is intoxicating Enthusiasm is intoxicating
Unchecked enthusiasm runs roughshod Unchecked enthusiasm runs roughshod
Exuberance is the experience of things as ever new Exuberance is the experience of things as ever new
The impact of hitlahavut The impact of hitlahavut