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Results for "practice: Enthusiasm"
People Watching Guidance for observing how people and circumstances affect your enthusiasm.
Reading Sacred Literature Imagining being filled with enthusiasm fuel as you read sacred literature.
Enthusiastic Singing Letting yourself go as you sing with courage and strength.
Enthusiasm A program for individuals and small groups on the spiritual practice of enthusiasm.
Memorize a Poem Reciting poetry to match your mood.
Authors & Readings on Enthusiasm A guide of the original sources from this episode.
Viewer's Guide on Enthusiasm Reflection and discussion questions to use when viewing this episode.
Educate Us A prayer to put Jesus's teachings into practice.
Boring Franz Metcalf's answer to the question, "What would Buddha do when bored?"
Michel Legris in Gurdjieff: Essays and Reflections on the Man and His Teaching At the end of his spiritual talks