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Results for "author_first: Bede, author_last: Griffiths"
The Spirit is the Shakti The Spirit is the Shakti
Christianity cannot grow as a religion today Christianity cannot grow as a religion today
The inspiration came suddenly The inspiration came suddenly
Bede Griffiths Bede Griffiths on the West learning from the East how to restore the sacredness of every created thing.
Bede Griffiths Salutes this interspiritual pioneer's mysticism, love of nature, and appreciation of the Sacred Feminine.
River of Compassion A profound interpretation of this Hindu classic.
A New Vision of Reality Insights into the Cosmic Lord as delineated in Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam.
The History and Interpretation of the Bible Father Bede Griffiths challenges us to read the Scriptures in the context of the Vedanta, Buddhism, Taoims and the Sufi myths.
Discovering the Feminine Father Bede Griffiths discusses the Sacred Feminine.
The Wisdom of a Prophet Two lectures on a Christian perspective that embraces both modern science and Eastern mysticism.