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Results for "keyword: "Climate Change", latest_content: 1"
For Labor Unions A prayer of protection for the right to unionize.
Birthday of Margaret Mead Honoring the anthropologist who insisted on the value of human diversity.
Birthday of Robert Kennedy (PDP) Acknowledging the energy, courage, flexibility, and wisdom of an icon of the 1960s.
Ecoanxiety A meditation for ecoanxiety and climate despair.
Practicing with Heartbreak A ritual for processing emotions associated with personal/ancestral/racial/gender-based trauma and the climate crisis.
Writing a Prayer for a Pilgrim Journey A way to listen to the deep desires of your heart.
Birthday of F. Scott Fitzgerald Celebrate the birthday of one of America's greatest writers and his views of the rich and the powerful.
The Birthday of Greenpeace An appreciation of the international non-governmental organization renowned for environmental advocacy.
Anniversary of the Signing of the Social Security Act (PDP) The anniversary of the federal law which provides retirement benefits, disability insurance, and support for the disadvantaged.
Birthday of Maggie Kuhn (PDP) Celebrating the pioneering work and accomplishments of the founder of the Gray Panthers (1972), a network of older people dedicated to fighting ageism.