Search Results

Results for "keyword: "Guns", latest_content: 1"
The American Buffalo A two-part, four-hour series on the journey of the American buffalo.
The Monk and the Gun An insightful film about how Bhutanese villagers respond to changes coming through the influence of the West.
Mass A fictional story that proves how open-hearted conversation can lead to healing, even after a terrible tragedy.
Boys State A documentary about white boys playing politics and trashing the values of citizenship.
Parkland Rising An inspiring portrait of young activists for gun control reform.
Of Fathers and Sons A rare opportunity to see how boys are immersed in violence and trained to become killers by a terrorist group.
A Private War The life and work of an award-winning female war correspondent whose zeal for the truth made her into a fearless person.
22 July A thought-provoking drama about the reactions to a lone terrorist who kills 77 people in Norway in 2011.
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs Six stories set in the Old West, each with a message about mortality.
Stolen Daughters: Kidnapped by Boko Haram Story of the Nigerian school girls kidnapped by the terrorist group Boko Haram now adjusting to being released.