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Results for "keyword: "Humility", latest_content: 1"
Practicing Spirituality with His Holiness the Dalai Lama A study of the religion of kindness with Nobel laureate and revered leader Tenzin Gyatso.
Practicing Spirituality with Thomas Merton Wisdom from an extraordinary Trappist monk, writer, civil rights activist, and peacemaker.
Practicing Spirituality with Sufis An awesome compendium of wisdom, both practical and profound, from the mystical expression of Islam.
The Wisdom of the Rebbes A retreat on four ways to God embraced by Hasidism: wisdom, study, faith, and humility.
The Wisdom of Muhammad A welcoming study of the compassionate, flexible, and noble character of the Prophet Muhammad.
Guidelines for Christian Life, Growth, and Transformation A practice of Lectio Divina, designed for Lent but meaningful at any time of year.
Exploring Gilead Themes and practices for Marilynne Summers Robinson's novel that credibly models the better nature we all have the ability to access.
Benedictine Spirituality Using the Rule of Benedict as a guide to a more purposeful way of being in our time of global transformation.
A Universal Christmas Embracing the wonder and magic of the Christmas spirit.
A Simple Immediacy: Desert Wisdom for Advent Teachings from the Desert Fathers and Mothers on classic Advent themes.