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Results for "keyword: "LGBTQ+""
A Prayer to Celebrate Same-Sex Marriage Update June 26, 2015: This prayer was written in 2013 when the Supreme Court of the United States made a turning point ruling that the core provisions of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), a fe…
A Prayer to Celebrate the Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage in New York State On June 24, 2011, New York, home to 42,000 same-sex couples, became the sixth and by far the largest state to legalize same-sex marriage. This means the number of same-sex couples living in states a…
Rejoicing in More Positive Views of Homosexual Relationships We rejoice in small triumphs that signal positive changes in human relationships. Polls: Percentage of U.S. adults who considered homosexual relations morally acceptable in 2002: 38. Percentage w…
A Prayer in Response to the Orlando Mass Shooting Comforting God, we awoke this morning to news of the deadliest mass shooting on United States soil in modern history. Once again we are called to prayer and reflection about gun violence and hate cr…
Playing Hide and Seek with God I've been playing hide and seek with God most of my life. Sometimes I hide from God and sometimes God hides from me. I think I've discerned a pattern: Whenever I become confident that God is found i…
Exercising First Amendment Rights "People have the right to protest — that’s what democracy is all about." — Condoleezza Rice, former U.S. Secretary of State Protests have always been part of movements for justice in…
Words of 2020 The deluge of events, the velocity of change, and the upheaval of our lives are mirrored in the language we use. Words, as a result, have both cultural and spiritual significance.
A Tiny Prayer for those who are mad as Hell On November 19, 2022, Kelly Loving, Daniel Aston, Derrick Rump, Ashley Paugh, and Raymond Green Vance were killed and 25 others injured in a mass shooting by 22-year-old Anderson Aldrich at LGBTQ+ c…
Gloves, Trucks, and Camouflage: How Has Technology Altered the Way We View Ourselves? By Olivia Bailey, for KidSpirit's The Speed of Now Issue Media: today’s version of a synthetic reality that people are readily willing to accept as truth. Face-to-face conversations are…