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Results for "keyword: "death penalty""
A Prayer to Abolish the Death Penalty A petition on expanding and deepening our hearts toward those on death row.
Spiritual Responses to the Death Penalty Perspectives on the implications and consequences of the death penalty from spiritual writers and filmmakers.
Birthday of Will D. Campbell (PDP) A review of the civil rights and reconciliation activism of the Protestant progressive who was also the chaplain to the KKK.
Facing Death Saint Benedict advised us to keep death daily before our eyes. How can we get beyond fearing death, wanting it out of sight and out of mind?
Sharon Salzberg in Faith To be driven by fear
Way of the Cross Fr. Daniel Lloyd’s adaptation of the “Way of the Cross” from Bishop Richard Challoner (1691-1781).
Transforming Fear of Death Larry Rosenberg with David Guy looking at Buddhist practices that help us pay more attention to death.
Using the "D" Word Joseph Sharp on the importance of paying attention to how we speak about and envision death.
The Blessing of the Earth A Scottish blessing for ease and kindness.
Three Poems and an Exercise Three poems, a snippet from a novel, and an imaginative exercise all seek to open our hearts and minds to the reality of death.