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Results for "keyword: "diversity""
Personal Experience with Religious Groups Inspiring Spirit, guide, direct, and sustain members of all the world's religions that we may find as many ways as possible to open our hearts to those walking different paths from our own. POLL: …
A Prayer for More Religious Hospitality O Lover of Diversity, we give thanks for the variety of religious choices and the freedom to pursue the ones that have the most meaning for us. Fact: According to a new Pew Research Center study…
A Prayer of Gratitude for Diversity in Marriage Hope Through the Ages, we are so grateful for the good news that many of the old walls and prejudices which have kept lovers apart have fallen by the wayside. Fact: Some 15.5 % of all new marria…
Jazz and the Spirit of Democracy We believe that democracy as a way of life can be strengthened and deepened through spiritual practices — both those traditionally considered to be "inner work" and those that require active en…
"U" is for Unity "And that’s why it is so important today that we reaffirm our character as a nation — a people drawn from every corner of the world, every color, every religion, every background — bound by a …
Praying for Endangered Species Photo Credit: Barbary Ape by Alexas_Fotos, courtesy of Pixabay In The Week, August 30, 2019, we learn that according to the United Nations up to one million species face extinction. The Trump Adm…
Loving God by Knowing Many Things The immensely talented artist Vincent Van Gogh wrote a letter to his brother Theo in which he spoke from his heart: "I think that the best way to know God is to love many things." In a sensitive and…
Reflections from Asian and Asian-American Seminarians A few months ago I had the privilege and opportunity of meeting with several Asian and Asian-American seminary students in the San Francisco Bay Area. I wanted to create a space where they could ref…
Different Strokes for Different Folks Music Lyrics We got sunshine in the music Music keeps me full of love. — "Sunshine in the Music" by Jimmy Cliff Transformational Wisdom I do not like that man. I need to get to know hi…
A Virtual Living Room Conversation Generally, when I consider online conversations, I think of stark polarization and echo chambers — people harshly judging others across differences or just connecting with those who are similar to…