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Results for "keyword: "law""
Anniversary of Integration at Central High in Little Rock (PDP) Recalling the courage of the Little Rock Nine at Central High School.
Follow the Money Grounds for fact-checking political claims and knowing their financial source.
Memorial Day for Sacco and Vanzetti (PDP) Reflections on a controversial case that signaled America's growing gap between the privileged and the powerless.
Birthday of Wyatt Earp An examination of the legendary cowboy whose life illustrates elements of the mythology of the American West.
Anniversary of the Signing of the Social Security Act (PDP) The anniversary of the federal law which provides retirement benefits, disability insurance, and support for the disadvantaged.
Anniversary of Brown v Board of Education and the End of Segregated Schools (PDP) Noting a watershed event in American history and a spiritual practice to shed separation.
The Outcast A prayer by Walter Rauschenbusch for immigrants.
Spiritual Responses to the Death Penalty Perspectives on the implications and consequences of the death penalty from spiritual writers and filmmakers.
Dred Scott's Case for Freedom (PDP) Remembering Dred Scott's quest for freedom and its reverberations over centuries.
Mawlid al-Nabi Honoring the birthday of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.