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Results for "keyword: "leisure""
Summertime and Living Takes Practice Days 1 -7: Spiritual practices from the world's wisdom traditions as well as in books we've read.
G. K. Chesterton in Different Seasons You say grace before meals
Lin Yutang in Zen and the Art of Anything If you can spend
Waste Some Time A spiritual exercise to help you make summertime into sacred time.
A Date with Yourself Doing something special for yourself.
Take a Mental Health Day Making time for yourself.
Take the Day Off Do as little as possible.
Friendship Teaches Us about Being Human Inspired by the friendship in the movie The King's speech, a collection on the spiritual practice of friendship.
Calling All Fools - April Fool's Day The history of April Fool's Day plus ways to be playful in everyday life.
The Practice Days of August Spiritual practices that go with the leisurely pace of August: walking, floating, standing in front of the air conditioner, taking naps, and more.