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Results for "keyword: %22Jesus%22"
Hadewijch An austere and powerful French film about the dangers of religious zealotry and the mysteries of divine grace.
The Face: Jesus in Art A dramatic, informative, and well-orchestrated religious documentary.
Godspell We can be the happiest of all creatures if we will just dance to the rhythm of our comic songbook souls.
The Marvels and Mysteries of The Da Vinci Code Book reviews and excerpts that discuss the themes of Dan Brown's novel.
Household Saints Shows God working miracles in the lives of people dealing with such seemingly insignificant matters as sausages, card games, ironing, and scrubbing the floors.
Meditating on The Passion of the Christ Ways to approach one of the controversial film about Jesus' last hours.
The Passion of the Christ A raw, unflinching, and compelling personal testimony by Mel Gibson about the meaning of the suffering and death of Jesus of Nazareth.
The Body The explosive mix of faith, passion, and politics in Jerusalem through the story of an archaeological dig that casts doubts on the resurrection of Christ.
The Green Mile The sobering tale of an incarcerated gentle giant and his extraordinary powers.
Jesus of Montreal An inventive, witty, and illuminating religious work of art about a contemporary staging of the Passion play, the institutional church's reverence for the status quo, and the false gods of secularism.