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Results for "keyword: %22Sabbath%22"
Meanings in Life Teacher Wisdom Sabbath is an incubator for wisdom. When we allow the rush and pressure of our days to fall away, even for a short time, we are more able to discern the essential truth of what lie…
An Internet Sabbath Here's something to think about. Could you stay offline for a day – perhaps by taking an Internet Sabbath? Could you still do your job? Would your family and friends worry about you? How would you…
When Ministry Doesn't Pay Mindy Mayes is a 29-year-old African American woman who was ordained in the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) church. She was called to Bethel AME, founded in the 1850s. The building needs repair, a…
Parochial Prayer By Eleanor Goetz in the KidSpirit Power issue. Three hundred forty-five years ago Roger Williams declared, “forced worship stinks in God’s nostrils.” Williams was a 17th-century English …
Everything Flows Buddhist Wisdom Nothing lasts, nothing can be counted on, everything changes. That is another way of saying that we can’t control anything in our world. Everything is continually slipping awa…
Heat & Practice & Pandemic News This summer many parts of the United States and elsewhere around the world have been dealing with unusual heat because of the weather and a different kind of heat generated by families living and wo…