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Results for "keyword: %22cooperation%22"
Community Use of Faith Buildings Urging collaborative and community use of worship spaces.
National Library Week Celebrating the contributions of our nation's libraries and library workers.
Be Thrifty Consideration of what being thrifty means to you and yours.
Participate in a Co-op Encouragement to join and be an active part of a cooperative.
Transition Towns A catalyst for implementing community cooperation and sustainability measures.
Prayer for Those in Statecraft and International Relations A prayer for our leaders to work together for justice and peace for all.
Use Right Speech Recommendations for maintaining mutual respect and dignity in workplace conversations.
Birthday of R. Buckminster Fuller Celebrating the visionary possibilities that the work of futurist R. Buckminster Fuller brings alive in us.
American Friends Service Committee Founding (PDP) Honoring the Nobel Prize winning organization which inspires us all to be true to peacemaking ideals.
Develop a Plan for Disaster Preparedness A recommendation to foster connections and incorporate your spirituality in disaster preparedness and response.