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Results for "keyword: %22death%22"
La Ofrenda: The Days of the Dead Examines this Mexican ritual in depth.
Birth An engrossing psychological drama that starts as a tale about reincarnation and morphs into a sobering examination of grief and the bonds that tie us to the past.
Into the Abyss A documentary on capital punishment filled with small and humble human touches.
Death at a Funeral A rousing British farce filled with many antic moments and huge embarrassments.
First Snow A psychological thriller with the message that knowing about your impending death has a way of focusing your life and making everything supercharged with meaning.
Just Like Heaven A light-hearted and pleasing romantic comedy about two individuals who reach out in the mystery of their relationship and discover new life.
Nadja A clever and innovative take on vampire mythology in a contemporary tale set in New York City.
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein A visceral and energetic sceen translation of this literary classic.
Reuben, Reuben A comic adaptation of a witty Peter DeVries novel.
Director's Statement on Water Writer/director Deepa Mehta on her film which depicts the plight of widows in India.