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Results for "keyword: %22ecology%22"
Teilhard de Chardin Day Quotations and a mantra from the writings of the French Jesuit theologian and visionary.
Birthday of Satish Kumar Honoring an Earth pilgrim who keeps the torch of humanity burning in our times.
Things We Can Do To Help Planetary Evolution 15 suggestions for social change.
Eco-Compassion A short meditation on caring for the earth.
Birthday of Joanna Macy (PDP) A tribute to the eco-philosopher and Buddhist scholar.
Anniversary of the Exxon-Valdez Oil Spill An opportunity to remember an ecological disaster so that we do not repeat it.
Put the Encyclical into Action A prompt to review and implement Pope Francis' encyclical on the environment and human ecology.
We Are One A spiritual response to the Gulf oil spill in the form of an I Am prayer.
Birthday of John Muir A celebration of the naturalist, botanist, and geologist who founded the Sierra Club.
Consult Mother Nature Suggestions for how to consider the benefits and value of nature in business decisions.