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Results for "keyword: %22eyes%22"
EO A travelogue starring a donkey who experiences the good, the bad, and the beautiful in our world
I Origins A spiritual movie about the eyes, science, reincarnation, and the great mysteries of life.
Farewell, My Queen An exquisite French costume drama about the early days of the French revolution and a servant girl at Versailles who sees it all.
Birders: The Central Park Effect A delightful documentary that explores the passion and the pleasures of Central Park's birders.
Notes on Blindness A richly revelatory documentary about a theologian seeking the meaning of his blindness.
Manifesto for a Slow Movie Movement Our manifesto for a return to slow movies as an antidote to the trend of super loud violent summer blockbusters.
Mary Magdalene A creative, relevant, and reverent film about Mary Magdalene, a deeply spiritual woman for all ages.