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Results for "keyword: %22mysticism%22"
Birthday of Ralph Waldo Emerson (PDP) Celebrating Emerson's birthday by building up our being.
Walt Whitman Ways to celebrate Walt Whitman's durability: read a poem and create a mantra from a favorite line.
Birthday of Karl Rahner Quotations to ponder and practice from the Catholic theologian and mystic.
Birthday of Jelaluddin Rumi Ways to celebrate the birthday of the great Persian mystic poet Rumi.
Teilhard de Chardin Day Quotations and a mantra from the writings of the French Jesuit theologian and visionary.
Love Alone A mystical breath practice from James Finley.
Birthday of Albert Einstein Celebrate Einstein with a practice of X-The Mystery and a perusal of his wisdom quotes.
Wayne Teasdale in The Other Half of My Soul Transformation is the fruit of mystical revelation
Anthony de Mello in Awareness The world is right because
Paul Brunton in Meditations for People in Crisis Music can express the mystical experience