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Results for "keyword: %22nonviolence%22"
A Prayer to Not Water the Seeds of Violence O Peaceful God, help us keep our children away from the attractions of violence and revenge. Study: The amount of gun violence in movies rated PG-13 has more than tripled since 1985, according t…
A Prayer for Strength, Patience, Courage and Hope for the Catholic Protestors Who Broke into the Nuclear Sanctum Companion of the Sorrowing, we give thanks for the three Catholic activists whose witness calls us to join in the protest against the continuing military madness of keeping so many deadly nuclear we…
The High Cost of Waging Peace On June 28, 2012, peace activists Sister Megan Rice, Greg Boertje-Obed, and Michael Walli broke into the Oak Ridge Y-2 nuclear weapons production facility in Tennessee to symbolically disarm these w…
Reverence, Not Revenge In a profound and ethically rich blog for The Denver Post, John Kane, a professor of Religious Studies at Regis University who has focused on interfaith dialogue, justice, and peace initiatives, pon…
A Prayer for Nonviolent Protesters November 17, 2011, marks the two-month anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street movement, and demonstrations are planned in many locations. Faith leaders and Occupy Wall Street protesters have insisted…
A Prayer for the 145 School Children Murdered in Pakistan O Loving One, Ya Wadud, we grieve with the parents, family, and friends of the 145 school children who were murdered at their school in Peshawar, Pakistan, by the Taliban, on December 15, 2014. May …
Talking with Tomorrow's Peacemakers By Akash V. Mehta in the Conflict and Peacemakers issue. We live in a violent world filled with conflict, and we always have. But every member of every generation has a responsibility to our worl…
Caring for the Moment Zen Wisdom Zen people often talk about "accepting the moment as it is." That's okay, but what we like even better is "caring for the moment" with the same lavish tenderness you'd bestow on a newb…
A Prayer in Response to Buddhist Leaders' Stance of Conscience On Friday, September 15, 2017, more than 110 Buddhist teachers from more than a dozen countries united to call upon Buddhist leaders in Myanmar to help stop "systematic violence and abuse directed a…
A Prayer for the Prospering of the Poor People's Campaign Visions for a more just and compassionate world can take decades to come to fruition. We now have the soul-stirring opportunity to be part of Dr. Martin Luther King's Poor People's Campaign, inaugur…