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Results for "keyword: %22supernatural%22"
X2: X-Men United An inventive and exciting sci-fi spectacular where mutant humans battle the zealous forces of law and order.
The Gift A suspenseful and involving story of a widow in a small Georgia town who uses her psychic abilities to provide a lifeline to several very troubled individuals in the community.
Putting on the Mind of Christ Charts the dark night of the soul as the central mystery in the evolution of human consciousness.
True Confessions A rabbi and a paranormalist share their ideas and experiences.
Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home and Other Unexplained Powers of Animals Deepens our appreciation and love of animals as great teachers.
Stir of Echoes A psychological thriller about the dark side of having highly developed psychic abilities.
Seventh Heaven A witty drama filled with clever little vignettes explores the disturbances that can rock a marital relationship when change takes place in one partner.
Riding with the Lion Explores the meaning and value of Eastern Orthodox spirituality.
Hearts in Atlantis A beguiling coming-of-age drama in which an older man mentors a young boy in the beauty and the terror of the world.
Peculiar Prophets Presents biographies of more than 350 alternative prophets and the groups they formed.