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Results for "keyword: %22women%22"
Pauli Murray Sermons and essays on justice for women and blacks by the first African American woman ordained by the Episcopal Church.
The Longings of Women A novel exploring the transformations set in motion when the lives of three different women intersect.
Sophia Caitlin Matthews on the meaning of the re-emergence of the Divine Feminine.
Mary Magdalen
A Sabbath Life Writes about midlife transformations and the spiritual practice of silence.
Blood, Bread, and Roses Surveys the significance of this riual upon human culture and consciousness.
Urgent Message from Mother Jean Shinoda Bolen on involving women in the prevention of violence and restoration of peace.
Attention Shoppers!
Urgent Message from Mother A clarion call for a woman's peace movement to combat violence in all sectors of our lives.
The Woman's Book of Resilience Strategies for bouncing back from setbacks, disappointments, and tragedies.