Search Results

Results for "main_practice: "Reverence", latest_content: 1"
The American Buffalo A two-part, four-hour series on the journey of the American buffalo.
EO A travelogue starring a donkey who experiences the good, the bad, and the beautiful in our world
The Territory A documentary revealing how indigenous peoples are trying to protect their land -- and the whole Brazilian rainforest -- from the invasion of nonnative farmers and illegal settlers.
Kangaroo Valley A fascinating documentary that probably will answer all the questions you have about kangaroos.
All That Breathes A stunning documentary about compassionate caregivers to the kites in New Delhi.
Cat Daddies Portraits of the mutually rewarding relationships between nine men and their cats, showing us what we can all learn from human-animal connections.
Paper & Glue Inspiring stories behind JR's monumental, creative, socially conscious immersive art.
My Octopus Teacher A documentary illustrating the spiritual practice of reverence by a diver observing an octopus for a year.
All Creatures Great and Small - Season 1 Up-close and personal series about horses, cows, sheep, and eccentric human beings.
Gunda A mesmerizing study of animal sentience.