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Results for "main_practice: "Zeal", latest_content: 1"
Not Going Quietly A portrait of a young man dying of ALS who inspires others to be heroes and urge public officials to secure health care for all
Coda Heartwarming coming-of-age story that illustrates how singing can set you free.
In the Heights A vibrant musical about seeking your dreams, finding your home, and living with zeal.
Young Ahmed (Le Jeune Ahmed) An intense and sobering portrait of both sides of the spiritual practice of zeal.
A Private War The life and work of an award-winning female war correspondent whose zeal for the truth made her into a fearless person.
Novitiate An illuminating study of religious zeal set in a cloistered convent in Tennessee in the 1960s.
The Women's Balcony A well-done religious drama set in Jerusalem where the members of a small synagogue confront changes demanded by a fundamentalist zealot.
The Walk A daring film about the passion, the gratitude, and the beauty of an amazing stunt.
Deli Man A delightful and informative documentary on delis, Jewish food, and the tricks of the trade.
A Most Violent Year An immersive drama about a businessman who stays calm in the midst of a dreadful series of setbacks.