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Results for "main_practice: Kindness, content_type: Teaching Story/Scene"
Pocket Peace A teaching story about generosity and the true worth of things.
Barbara Cawthorne Crafton, Meditations on the Book of Psalms They had nothing and they split it
Stories of Awe and Abundance Jose Hobday telling the story of Joseph -- a Berkeley resident who reached out to one and all to provide a bit of good news.
On Kindness to All Creation A story about the significance of small acts.
The Chance to Give A story about the best gift being to give someone the chance to give.
Start Where You Are Trungpa Rinpoche's advice on not trying to fix people.
Transforming Suffering Venerable Henepola Gunaratana's story of his lovingkindness drawing the attention of a small child (book edited by Donald W. Mitchell and James Wiseman)
The Crying Tree A teaching story about asking permission before taking only what you need.
A Ladder for Thieves A teaching story about kindness and concern over other emotions.
The Power of Kindness A teaching story about how kindness cured a young girl who had suffered a breakdown.