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Results for "Christine Valters Paintner"
Sacred Time Reflections on mythic time and the end of days.
Earth - Our Original Monastery A practical guide to an understanding of Earth as a teacher of contemplative practices.
The Love of Thousands A guide to finding companions beyond the visible world.
The Wisdom of the Body A lively, creative, and expansive vision of a spirituality of the body.
Illuminating the Way A creative exploration of 12 archetypes and the monks and mystics who express them.
Breath Prayer A book of recipe ingredients and directions for making life rich with everyday sacredness.
Earth - Our Original Monastery A closing blessing by Christine Valters Paintner and Felicity Collins.
Birthing the Holy Inspiration from archetypal images and interpretations of the Virgin Mary that reveal ways to find new growth and greater vitality in your life.
Lectio Divina -The Sacred Art A heart-felt and creative exploration of the different aspects and settings for the spiritual practice of sacred reading.
The Artist's Rule A creative and edifying combination of practices to nurture creativity, contemplation, and monastic wisdom.