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Results for "Robert Bly"
Robert Bly - Collected Poems An enlightening collection by a poet-philosopher.
Robert Bly - Collected Poems A poem by Robert Bly on an encounter with a tree.
Shadow Delves into parts of ourselves and our culture that we would rather not acknowledge -- anger, greed, selfishness, hatred, violence, and much more.
The Winged Energy of Delight Top-drawer translations of poets from Europe, Asia, and the Americas by a charismatic and cantankerous poet who defies definition
A Society of Siblings A stinging critique of selfishness and amorality.
Lover Probes the depths of this powerful archetype with selections ranging from childhood experiences and adolescent fantasies to adult marriages and the yearning for intimacy.
The Wisdom of the Buddhist Masters Interviews with nine Buddhist masters on global problems and challenges.
The Power of Soul Robert Sardello on the importance of virtues in a post-9/11 world.
Words of Gratitude Brother David Steindl-Rast on gratitude during adversity (book by Robert A. Emmons and Joanna Hill).
The Soul Is Here for Its Own Joy An excellent anthology of poems about the twists and surprising turns of the spiritual path.